September 1: solemn ceremony for ASUE students: necessary information and schedules in ASUE official website (

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Countdown to   the start of the 2016-2017 academic year. Tomorrow,  Armenian State  University of  Economics  will  host its students in completely renovated and modernized university environment.

Towards the  academic  year, the  last  preparatory  works are  being  carried  out. Today, ASUE  Rector, Professor  Koryun Atoyan  invited the  University Vice Rectors  and  Deans  to  discuss issues  regarding to start of new  academic  year, gave recommendations.

A new poster with a slogan “Become competitive”  has  been  already set in ASUE  beautiful yard.

Academic  trainings of full-time BA  program  and  the  2nd  year of full-time MA program will  start  on September 1, the 1st year of full-time MA  program will  start on September 5.

The  schedule of academic  trainings  and  exams of  part-time BA  and  MA  programs for  the 2016-2017 academic year  is  available in the  following  link:

The schedules  are  available in this  link:էջեր-220//դասացուցակ-50.

Note, that some  changes are possible in the presented schedules.

The  tuition fee  of  the 1st year  students should  be  paid  until September 10, 2016. Note, that the  1st year students will  be  decreed  after  paying the  tuition fee.

Here  are  the monetary accounts for paying  tuition  fees:

“AraratBank” OJSC-1510002779480100


Good  luck to all ASUE  students.

ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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