Threshold exams of full-time MA program in ASUE

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Today, threshold  exams of full-time MA  program for the  2016-2017 academic year are being  taken in Armenian State  University of  Economics.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division took a  tour in the  Departments, recorded moments, talked with applicants.

Executive  Secretary  of ASUE  Admission Committee Mary Badalyan informs  that  the  competition results of  full-time  MA admission will  be  published on this Friday.

P.S. the admission of  documents  of  part-time BA  and MA  programs  for  the  2016-2017 academic year is  going  on in ASUE (till September 25). 
Good luck  to all  applicants.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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