New working year in ASUE

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Dear  ASUE  members,

our  University resumes its  work  after  summer vacation. Today, the  Heads  of Divisions (including Deans  of Departments)  and workers  of  Divisions (including Faculty  and  Chairs’ staff )  have restarted working  process  restoring the  University’s working  rhythm and  activity.

Dear users  and  visitors  of  ASUE  official  website  and official  Facebook  page,

ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division has  also  returned  and  is  ready  to   work  for  You: important events, urgent issues will be submitted and will be highlighted in our publications.

P.S. University Faculty staff will  return  to  work on 29.08.2016, collaborators  of the  Library, Archive  and “Tntesaget” Publishing Division  on 22.08.2016.

Let’s bring joy, creativity, satisfaction, optimism  to new working period.



ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division

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