Confidence vote of ASUE SC general meeting to Sergey Kharatyan

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Today, the  session of  ASUE  SC  general meeting  was  held, which is  held once every two years.  ASUE  Rector, Professor  Koryun Atoyan, Vice Rectors, representatives  of  Faculty  staff, former  and  present  members  of  SC attended the  meeting. 

The  meeting  was  conducted  by ASUE SC honorary President Abram Baghchagulyan (2000-2003).

After the  opening  remark, floor  was  given  to SC  President  Sergey  Kharatyan  to  report the  SC activities  and  achievements of  the  past  two  years.

Sergey  Kharatyan  spoke  about  the effective team  work  which  is directed  to  students, their  success,  and  then  a  video was  screened  which  summed  up the  SC important  achievements.

Then speeches  were  made  by Sevak Khachatryan, Vice Rector  on Students  and  Alumni Affairs,Armen  Smbatyan, Secretary of the CEC, former  member  of the SC, Tatul Mkrtchyan,  Dean of  the  Department of  Marketing  and  Business Organization.

The  general meeting approved  the report  and  evaluated the work satisfactory.

Then  the  candidate  for  ASUE  SC President was  nominated  and Sergey  Kharatyan  was reelected  as ASUE  SC President  in a secret ballot and absolute majority of votes.

Sergey  Kharatyan  expressed  gratitude  for confidence and  assured  that he would  continue  to  work with new energy and responsibility.

ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan  congratulated ASUE  SC  and  the President,  stressing  that ASUE  SC  is  one  of the  best ones in the  Republic  and accomplishes its mission  with  great  honor.



ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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