ASUE representatives participated in a conference on higher education

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Final conference of the EU Twinning project “Empowerment of Tertiary Level Education of Armenia for European Higher Education Area Integration”  was  held in  Aghveran, from 30th of  June  to 1st of  July, 2016,  which  was  attended  by Lyuba Mehrabyan, the  Head of  the  Chair  of  Political Science and Law, ASUE, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor,  Mary  Badalyan, Vice-Dean  of  Department of  Management, Candidate  of  Science, Associate  Professor  and  Anna Pakhlyan, senior specialist of Quality Assurance  Division, Candidate  of  Science.

Levon Mkrtchyan, Minister of  the  RA  MES  also  attended  the  conference and  welcomed  the  participants.

ASUE  representatives  Lyuba Mehrabyan  and  Mary Badalyan  participated  in discussions  of  a draft law on higher education, Anna  Pakhlyan participated  in discussion of  quality  assurance.

Mary  Badalyan told  us  that an active  discussion  around  the  draft  law  on higher  education  was  held,  opinions  and  suggestions were  made.

“In the coming days,  it’s  planned  to discuss the  project  in ASUE also,  to  develop  a  package  of proposals,  which  will  be  submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science, after  discussing  it with  the  University  leadership”; said  Mary  Badalyan.

Note,  that  according to the official  website  of  the  RA MES, the EU Twinning project “Empowerment of Tertiary Level Education of Armenia for European Higher Education Area Integration”   is  conducted  by the  RA  MES in cooperation with the  Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) and  the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Representatives  of  universities  and  education sphere,  foreign partners of the project  attended  the  conference. Group  discussions  were  held, the  results  and  achievements of Twinning project  were  summed  up.

ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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