ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan Visited ASUE Financial Economic College

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A number of projects have  been  carried  out at  ASUE  Financial Economic College: computer auditoriums, laboratory, QR library have  been created. Today, ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan visited the  college to  get  familiar  to the  work done.  The  Director  of College  Sergey Kharatyan and staff representatives met  the University Rector  and accompanied to the halls.

First  the  Rector  visited the auditorium of “Preliminary military training and safe lifestyle” course, then laboratory for practical trainings  of Chemistry, Physics and Biology, 2 computer auditoriums. New cupboard of the  college, QR library  were  presented.

Rector Koryun Atoyan was interested in current activities, efficiency of new projects and college needs.

Sergey  Kharatyan expressed  gratitude on behalf  of the staff  for  supporting  the  college  development. Advisor to the College Director Ruben Arakelyan expressed  gratitude noting that since the foundation of college, there haven’t been such kind of reforms and investments, as well as  social programs  for  the staff representatives.


 ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division

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