New publications of ASUE Marketing Chair

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Educational handbook “Relationship marketing in consumer markets”  authored  by Ararat Zakaryan,  Head of  the  Chair  of  Marketing  and Gevorg Papoyan, Assistant Professor  at the  same  Chair, Candidate  in Economics,  was  published  by recommendation of ASUE  Scientific Board.

Another  publication of  the  Chair  was  lecture materials “Relationship marketing in business markets”  authored  by  Vadim Grigoryan, Assistant Professor  at  the  Chair  of  Marketing  was  published  by recommendation  of  Department of  Marketing  and  Business  Organization.

Today, the authors  of educational handbook “Relationship marketing in consumer markets”   met  Armine  Hovhannisyan, Director  of  ASUE  Library and  presented  the  handbook.

In an interview with ASUE Media  and Public  Relations  Division Ararat Zakaryan stressed  that considering the fact that there is a strong demand for professional literature in the mother tongue, that’s  way  the Chair  of  Marketing constantly  tries  to fill  that gap.

Congratulations  to the  authors.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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