Modern problems of globalization: report of SEG:

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Today,  ASUE  international SEG “Globalization and the challenges for developing countries” reported on  final work.

The  seminar  is  attended  by Samvel Avetisyan, Director  of  “Amberd” research center,  collaborators  of  the  center, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of  Science  Division, representatives  of  Faculty  staff, members  of SEGs.

Khoren Mkhitaryan, supervisor  of  the  group, Candidate  in Economics, Associate Professor,  welcomed the  attendees and  briefly  presented the  origin and nature  of  globalization concept,  which emerged after World War II  and in the 21st century appeared  under  the  attention of  researchers  as  a  main  problem.  He  presented two  main  directions, around    which the research was  conducted, then two  speakers, MA  students Nelson Nat (India)  and Hayyan Aldela (Syria).

Nelson Nat  referred to  features  of  globalization, positive  and  negative  effects,  differences  of globalization and internationalization noting in particular that globalization requires cautious: applying moderate force strategy, refraining from undesirable effects.

Hayyan Aldela  spoke  about economic reasons, effects, results  of  globalization, especially globalization features: Syrian Arab Republic  before  the  war  and  after it.

After  the  measure Khoren Mkhitaryan  informed  that the research  will  be  available online, and  will  be  also prepared for publication.

Head of  Science Division expresses  hope that  competition   of  new SEG  for  new  academic  year will  be  announced   and new members will join the  international group.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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