“Ingo Armenia” awarded certificates to ASUE students: expanding cooperation

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20 ASUE  3rd year students  of  insurance specialty have  participated  in a three-month-master class  in “Ingo Armenia” insurance  company.

Today, solemn ceremony of  awarding certificates  was  held, Anna  Aslanyan, Head of Chair  of  Banking  and Insurance in ASUE,  Levon Altunyan, Chief Executive Officer  of “Ingo Armenia”  company, Lilit  Shmavonyan, Head of Corporate Customer Service Department  attended  the  measure.

Levon Altunyan  congratulated  the  students  noting  that in case  of replenishing the  company with new personnel first of  all they  will take  ASUE students.

Anna Aslanyan expressed gratitude to Chief Executive Officer  of “Ingo Armenia”  company  underlining that cooperation  is  effective  and expanding.

Lilit  Shmavonyan informed that the  students  participating  in the  master class will  be  interviewed and selected students will have the opportunity of  internship  in “Ingo Armenia”  company, in the  result  of  which they  get a permanent job  in insurance  company. She  said  that 8 ASUE  students got a job in this  way  last year.

Note,  it’s  already  second year   that master classes  are  conducted  for  ASUE  students  within the framework  of  cooperation   between  “Ingo Armenia”  and  our  University.

P.S. On November 13, 2014  “Ingo Armenia”  insurance company and Armenian State University of Economics signed a memorandum of cooperation.

Congratulations  to  our  students.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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