Another opportunity of teaching and exchanging experience in abroad

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Tigran Mnatsakanyan,   Assistant  Professor  at  the  Chair  of  Management, ASUE, Candidate  in Economics,  is  one  of   the  lecturers,  who  left  for  a  business  trip  within the  framework  of EU “Erasmus+” program.

On May 9-13, our  specialist delivered  lectures in Poznan University of  Economics  and  Business.

“I delivered  a  lecture  on “Types of competitive strategies”  for  MA  international  group. Evidently, the  topic  was  interesting  for students  from Peru, China, Korea, Russia and other countries,  cause  the  auditorium  was very  active”; said  Tigran  Mnatsakanyan.

Note,  that  ASUE  Foreign Relations Division coordinates “Erasmus+”  program in  our  University.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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