Working visit and useful experience

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Hasmik Hovakimyan, lecturer  at  the  Chair  of Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities, one of representatives of ASUE Faculty  staff, left on a business  trip within the  framework of “Erasmus+” program, has returned from Poland  recently.

On May 23-27,  ASUE  lecturer worked in Poznan University of Economics and Business. On the first  day  of a business  trip she  delivered  a lecture on “Time management is a guarantee for success” for  which  she  was  awarded a certificate by the  Rector  of Poznan University of Economics and Business. During  next  days she delivered lecturers in MA groups.

“During the  working  visit I have a fine  opportunity  not only   to strengthen my  experience,  but  also to  exchange knowledge,  skills  due  to  partnership contacts”; mentioned  Hasmik Hovakimyan  then told  that she  had  met our  students  studying  in Poznan:  they are Siranuysh Hovhannisyan, Satenik Egoryan  and  Arman Sargsyan,  who  were  summing  up the  first  semester  on these  days.

“May 23 was  marked as an International Day in the University,   foreign  students  presented  their  universities. Siranuysh  and  Satenik presented  our  University  comprehensively  and  very  attractive, referring  the  last  achievements: eg. QR Library”; told  Hasmik Hovakimyan.

Note,  that  ASUE  Foreign Relations Division coordinates “Erasmus+”  program in  our  University.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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