ASUE Rector awarded certificates to the RA civil servants

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The  first (spring)  stage  of   training courses  of  the RA  civil servants conducted  at  ASUE  was finished.  Today, 34 civil servants  were  awarded   qualification certificates.

ASUE  Rector, Doctor, Professor  Koryun Atoyan awarded  certificates  by a  solemn  ceremony,  which  was  attended  by Sevak  Khachatryan, Vice Rector on Students  and Alumni Affairs,  Aida  Arustamyan,  Head of  Lifelong  and  Further Education Center, Seda Manukyan, leading  specialist  of the  same  center, Grigor  Nazaryan, program  author, Head of  the  Chair  of International Economic Relations.

Koryun Atoyan  welcomed and  congratulated the civil servants  and  suggested  to  present  and to discuss suggestions  referring  to improvement of  training  courses.

Note, that  training  courses will be  organized in autumn: the  second  stage  will  launch  on November-December.

The  courses are  organized  by Lifelong  and  Further  Education Center  at  ASUE.

Congratulations  to  civil servants  and  wish them new  professional achievements.






ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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