Our student winner of “Rosgosstrakh Armenia” student competition

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Yesterday, the results  of  first  stage  of “Rosgosstrakh Armenia”  student competition  were  summed  up by a  solemn  ceremony  in “Marriott  Armenia”  Hotel,  prizes  were  awarded.

Vice Rectors,  Deans,  Heads  of  Chairs, guests  were  attended  the  ceremony.  Vahe  Mikayelyan, Dean of  the  Department  of  Finance, ASUE, Anna  Aslanyan, Head of  the  Chair  Banking  and  Insurance were also  present.

3 students became  winners  of  the  first  stage: 1  from ASUE  and  2  from YSU.

Our  winner  was Anahit Avetisyan, the first  year MA student of insurance  specialty.

Each of the winners got 100 thousand drams,  certificates  and  a chance  to  participate  in the  second  stage of  the  competition.  Note, that  the  competition consists  of  2 stages: during the  first  one reports should  be  presented  and  during the  second  one new  product  should  be  developed  and presented. The  winner  will get 300 AMD  and  an opportunity  of  internship in “Rosgostrakh”  parent company (Russia).

Congratulations  to  our  student,  winners  of  the  competition   and  wish  new  achievements.



ASUE  Media   and Public  Relations  Division 

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