ASUE in “National Trust” committee journal

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“National Trust” Committee refers  to  those   individuals,  companies  and  organizations,  who  won the  people’s trust and assessment.

Our famous, successful and talented compatriots, their achievements are  presented in  “Woman of the Year”, “Brand of the Year’, “Public Servant of the Year”, “Trust rating”, “Confidence to the Armenian  Army”  and  other  nominations.

A page devoted  to our University  is  also presented  in the  journal: the  University structure, sources, present success, academic new  programs,  learning environment, “Amberd” research  center, British Business School, “Tntesaget” student dormitory, “Tntesaget” sport-health resort, ASUE  official website, official page in Facebook.

P.S. ASUE  Rector was awarded the  nomination   “For  the  contribution to educational reforms, development of higher  education system” (

ASUE  Media  and Public Relations Division 

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