Develop effective models for quality assurance: discussions in ASUE

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Discussions  launched within the framework  of ESPAQ (Enhancing Students Participation in Quality Assurance in Armenian HE) project are  going  on in our  University.

The working second  day is devoted  to clarifying issues  of participating partners powers  and  tasks, main frameworks  of their  activities.

Nerses  Gevorgyan said  that a  handbook  is  planned  to  be  published  within the  framework of the  project,  in which  the  mechanisms  of   increasing  the efficiency  of involving  students  in quality  assurance  process will  be reflected. Nerses  Gevorgyan also  mentioned that Armenian representatives will undergo  trainings in abroad within the framework of  the  project.

The ESPAQ project is looking at one of the core challenges of Armenian higher education ( quality of its provision and outcomes), by engaging the students into processes of quality assurance (QA) and enhancement of their learning experience.

A three-day-meeting will  be summed up tomorrow.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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