Protection of final works of Marketing specialty

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Today, the 4th year students of  Marketing specialty protect diploma works.

Bella Gabrielyan, Senior Researcher in M.Kotanyan Institute of Economics, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Candidate  in Economics, Associate  Professor, is  the  President  of  the  final certification committee  of  Marketing specialty.

Ararat Zakaryan, Head of  Marketing Chair, Doctor in Economics, Professor, told  ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division that today was the  first  day of protection of diploma  works  and  the  committee  was  impressed,  because the  students had  presented  brilliant  and  interesting research. It should  be  mentioned  that  students have  made competent  analysis and recommendations that can be applied to the appropriate areas.

P.S. the protection of diploma  works  has  started  on April 25  and  will  last till May 26.

Good luck to our students.


ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division. 

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