Presentation of Research: Studying Tourism Development Issues in Aragatsotn

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The 4th year students of macroeconomic policy  and forecasting specialty  have conducted research on “Tourism Development Issues in Aragatsotn”, and  held a presentation today, which was  attended  by Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector  of Science  and International Relations, Karen Grigoryan, acting Chair  of Macroeconomics, academic staff, PhDs  and students. Arthur Voskanyan, Tourism Officer of Ashtarak Municipality, and Susanna Hakobyan, Director  of secondary school in Akner, were the  invites  guests.

In the  welcoming  speech Karen Grigoryan emphasized  that the  Chair highlighted the improvement of research skills of  undergraduate  students of  Bachelor’s degree as much as the ones of Master’s degree, and  in this  regard the  students are  involved  in a  number of research activities.

Tsovinar Karapetyan, supervisor of the  research team, Associate Professor of the  above  mentioned  Chair, stated  the  selection of the  topic; “Recently I asked the 4th  year students “Are  there many students  form the provinces? In response, a young man with European  look said he was from the village of Akner. That's how the idea of studying tourism issues in the provinces has matured".

Students reported, that they were in different communities of Aragatsotn, studied the socio-economic situation of the region, took pictures of historical sights. A marketing system has been developed, with a large part of the work done by social surveys that relate to potential tourism development activities in the region. The Aragatsotn regional administration and Ashtarak municipality have largely assisted ASUE members, providing official information on socio-economic development of the region. The researchers have also collaborated with “Tumo” Center for Creative Technologies to create innovative GIF graphic images  that will present tourists with remarkable places in Aragatsotn.

The results of the study were summed up on the disk, which will be provided to the Aragatsotn regional administration for publication.



ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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