Modern weapons - a lesson conducted by students

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ASUE 1st year students of Finance specialty Mher Vardanyan and Armen Yeghiazaryan delivered a lecture on "Weapons that are used by us and against us" during the "Issues of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations" class.

Professor Venera Voskanyan told us that the theme of the class was now urgent and interesting to students, so the students were eager to talk about their provision of modern weapons.

T-90U tanks, «Хризантема-С», БМ-30 «Смерч», ТОС-1 А «Солнцепёк», «Iskander-M», Igla-U, drones: these are the main types of arms, which have serious consequences.

At the end of the lesson, they answered students' questions. It is noteworthy, that the theme was interesting not only foe boys but also for girls.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.