ASUE lecturer - a member of the presidium of the European University Sports Association

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The head of the chair of Physical training, emergency situations and Civil Defense, Associate Professor, member of the presidium of the Student Sports Federation of Armenia Hovhannes Gabrielyan had became a member of the Assembly and the Auditor of the European University Sports Association. In the face of Hovhannes Gabrielyan ASUE has its first representative in European University Sports Association of Armenia.

The selection of members of the Bureau was held in the Polish city of Wroclaw, in the Assembly of the European University Sports Association, which took place on April 7-9, which was attended by Hovhannes Gabrielyan and ASUE graduate student, a member of the student committee of the International University Sports federation Grisha Amirkhanyan.

            We congratulate our colleague and wish him good work!

Photos provided by Hovhannes Gabrielyan.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.