About the Ceremony of Awarding Diploma

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Dear ASUE graduates, we would like to note that the date and format of the solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas is not known yet. Here is the statement provided by the educational division about the organization of awarding diplomas. Educational Division informs that the full-time bachelor’s graduates should be present at the mentioned division (main building, 3rd floor, room 322) with passport and the reference letter given by Dean offices, to sign in the register. Here are the schedules for the Departments:
Department of Accounting and Auditing - June 20, at 9:30-12:30,
Department of Computer Science and Statistics – June 20, at 14:00-17:00,
Department of Finance – June 20, at 9:30-12:30, then also at 14:00-17:00,
Department of Management – June 21, at 9:30-12:30,
Department of marketing and Business Organization – June 21, at 14:00-17:00,
Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations – June 22, at 9:30-12:30.
There is no need to sign in the register beforehand for the part-time bachelor’s and full-time master’s graduates. We will inform you about the day of awarding the diplomas.

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ASUE Media and Public Relations Division