“What is the secret of success?” ONE TALK initiative was presented at ASUE

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Daniel Arutyunov – founder of Scream of soul Company, Anna Salome – founder of ANNA SALOME fashion studio and Varuzhan Babakhanyan – founding director of Hover Boutique Hotel tried to clarify the answer to the question “What is the secret of success?” together with ASUE students.

They presented their stories and advice at ASUE within the frames of ONE TALK –and initiative of ONE WAY Tour travel agency.

Daniel Arutyunov has dealt with extreme sports since 2015. It was just a hobby in the beginning and now it has become a lifestyle and source of his and his teams’ income. Daniel assures that success in any business also comes from the team. If somebody from the University of Economics is interested in extreme sports, then Daniel suggest coming, getting familiar with is and getting 15 percent discount.

Anna Salome is the first fashion marketing specialist in Armenia. She decided not to tell about her success story as she is still on her way to success. But she highlighted some formula she realized when designing her personal life branding. The graduate of ASUE decided to be the first, not the best one and followed her dream. She advises ASUE students to do the same.

Founder of Hover Boutique Hotel, graduate of ASUE Varuzhan Babakhanyan started his business with only 38000 drams in his pockets. He told the students not about his success stories but about his failures. He learnt on his failures and now he has everything he could only dream of. “If you want to do business without dreams then it is doomed to failure. And when the dream emerges, there is no way to escape it” – assures Varuzhan.

The three speakers assured that the secret of success lies inside us: one should just look for it and find.