Open Day at ASUE

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Yesterday was a day of discoveries for pupils and students of colleges, who have chosen the Armenian State University of Economics as the one in the future. Why should you choose the University of Economics? What education does the University provide ?, What specialties are there?, What are the preferences of the future applicants? The answers to these questions were given at ASUE big hall, where more than 300 students of different schools and colleges of Yerevan gathered. Before announcing the beginning of the event, a minute of silence was observed in memory of the heroic Armenians, who dedicated their lives to the homeland.

"If you have decided to become an economist, then you are in the right place, because ASUE is the only state University of economics in Armenia. And if you are still confused about your choice of profession, I am sure that today's meeting will definitely convince you that you will become a student of the University of Economics in the future"; welcoming future applicants ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan stated, emphasizing that the University of Economics gives students many opportunities for formal and non-formal education, about which the future applicants can be aware of at the ASUE official website and Facebook page.

ASUE Student Council members presented the Faculties and specialties, submitted comprehensive information on the infrastructure of the University, the admission process, the offered educational programs, study opportunities in abroad, career development perspectives and directions, provided scholarships and existing discount system.

The students "did not forget" to present the attractive aspects of student life to the future applicants, conducted an interactive game-quiz and the 10 best participants were awarded symbolic gifts.

After the meeting, the future economists walked around the University, visited different buildings, got acquainted with the University infrastructure.

The future applicants left the University with vivid impressions and more than confident in their decisions - to apply to the University of Economics.