"Organization of banking activities" is the starting point for education and progress

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In 2020, the “Organization of Banking Activities” master's educational degree program was launched completely refreshed and it continues to be one of the most demanded specialties of the Armenian State University of Economics. As a result of this transformation, the 2-year study program was reduced to 1.5 years; lessons are held in the evening, thus providing an excellent opportunity to continue studies at master's degree program concurrently working full-time.

Today we will introduce the "Organization of Banking Activities" program and its graduates within the frames of the final attestation process of this 1.5-year master's educational degree program of ASUE. This year, 29 graduates will continue their professional career as organizers of banking activities. Anahit Sargsyan is among them. She graduated from ASUE bachelor's degree in "Finance" with merits, and will soon receive a Master's degree in "Organization of Banking Activities". While studying at the master's degree program, she was employed at "Ardshinbank" CJSC as a financial consultant.

According to the Head of the Chair Ashot Mardoyan, the educational program was developed together with employers, the module-based system was chosen, and most lecturers are managers of the banking system.

Ashot Mardoyan emphasizes that the "Organization of Banking Activities" educational program is one of the leaders in the RA university system, and 85-90 percent of master students work in their profession, and the program is an important starting point for their career advancement.

Norayr Babayan, head of the Northern region of "Ardshinbank" CJSC, is the Chairman of the final attestation committee. He says that in line with the development of the economy, the demand for bankers is constantly increasing. Although technologies are developing, the role of people in banks is decreasing in parallel, but the demand for knowledgeable professionals is evident.