Participation in regular HEIFYE workshop. invitation to youth

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ASUE Chair of International Economic Relations informs that Diana Galoyan, head of the Chair of International Economic Relations , and Vergine Kirakosyan, Associate Professor of the same Chair, attended regular workshop of "Higher Education Institutions for Youth Entrepreneurship" project of (HEIFYE) “Erasmus +” program held in Riga (Latvia) on June 20-25. Latvian partners presented the experience of youth entrepreneurship development, introduced Business Incubator activities of RISEBA University, history of successful business projects. The main results of the poll conducted by the HEIFYE program in six partner countries for the purpose of identifying the obstacles to entrepreneurship development were discussed in the workshop. As for Armenian part, the lecturers of Chair of International Economic Relations will conduct it.
Within the framework of the HEIFYE program, ASUE has a responsibility to develop a manual titled “The Features of Doing Business in European Integration in Partner Countries”, which will be included in the educational process since 2019.
Let's remind that on September 13-14, 2018, "Youth Entrepreneurship in Eastern Partnership Countries: Formation Experience and Perspectives for Development " conference will be held in Batumi (Georgia). The details are here.
Diana Galoyan and Vergine Kirakosyan also attended "StartUp entrepreneurship and Universities Business Incubators" qualification training course at RISEBA university and received certificates.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division