Book Authored by ASUE Professor has been Published in Moscow

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The book entitled “Uncertainty Bands and Economic Variation: How to Predict and Regulate Economic Processes in Uncertainty” authored by Ashot Tavadyan, the Head of Chair of Mathematical Methods in Economics, Doctor of sciences, Professor has been published in Moscow.
The book illustrates economic processes in conditions when their dynamism has significantly increased. The book makes practical suggestions on the evaluation of key indicators, with ever increasing role of uncertainty in economy. It presents the developed interval methods for the study of economic indicators in uncertainty, that allow to visualize the possibilities of forecasting and the variability of economic processes. It is shown that with the accumulation of negative phenomena in a seemingly stable situation the effect of a "compressed spring" can take place. The uncertainty relation and the minimal uncertainty interval are formulated. The book shows the effect of an expanding band of uncertainty, thresholds of sensitivity, as well as the principles of systematization and forecasting of economic indicators. All this in a complex determines the novelty and uniqueness of this book.
“The reader will learn to recognize economic “diseases”, formulate and systematize the necessary intervals for target, normative and regulatory indicators for economic development, assess the quality of a forecast, and increase the effectiveness of forecasts and decision-making in uncertainty of economic processes”; the Professor stated.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division