Eliminating all Mediations at ASUE: I Sharply Deny them without any Exception: Ruben Hayrapetyan’s 1st Meeting with Students

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Today, the first comprehensive meeting of Acting Rector Ruben Hayrapetyan and students was held at ASUE Big Hall, which lasted about 4 hours. Ruben Hayrapetyan presented the planned changes, strategic program priorities, answered dozens of questions in detail.

"Since being appointed, I need to communicate with you and to discuss issues, because I have been trying to diagnose all the existing problems at the University, and, naturally, we need to work hard. And in this regard, I want to note, you -the students, will be in the center of our policy”; applying to students stated Ruben Hayrapetyan, then added; "You are already aware that our reforms have started, processes and statements are available on the official website of the University and the Facebook page, but I have to mention that there are many problems and their solutions are not easy”. Acting Rector stated that as a state University ASUE has two important missions – preparing qualified personal and carrying out economic researches, the potential of which is not fully used.

The Acting Rector emphasized that professors should be provided with the opportunity to improve their teaching quality, and to give students the opportunity to value their education, and simply the student who came to the university for a diploma, or the professor who works for the salary can’t continue his or her future activities. "Of course, here we will face difficulties, but these difficulties are to be overcome"; he said.

“We should eliminate all mediations at ASUE, I sharply deny them without any exception’; the University Head stated then highlighted the improvement of the methodology of conducting lectures, underlining that the lectures on dictation method will be excluded since September, the process of conducting internship will be completely rebuilt, the procedure of examinations will be revised, clear mechanisms of feedback will be introduced with specific responsible persons to provide the students with a proper solution for the problems they care about.

"There are two main circles: you - students, and we – the University Leadership. And we should change our University together, to make it better, otherwise the mission to come here I’ll consider unrealized. And most importantly, dear students, you must become a caring and demanding controller of these processes”; Ruben Hayrapetyan stated.

Then the students asked a dozen of questions.

In conclusion, Ruben Hayrapetyan once again called the students to engage in the reform process of the University, present their questions and concerns simply, avoiding causeless discussions on various platforms.

"We will record results in the near future. It does not mean that all problems will be solved but there will be obvious changes"; ASUE Head stated.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division