Employee of Athens University of Economics and Business was Hosted at ASUE

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On February 4-8, Armenian State University of Economics hosted Maria Contouli, employee of Athens University of Economics and Business within the frames of “Erasmus +” program.
ASUE Foreign Relations has submitted detailed information on the visit. Partner University employee was in ASUE for training and exchange of experience. Vard Ghukasyan, Head of ASUE Foreign Relations Division and Narine Elizharyan, employee of ASUE Lifelong Education and Career Division, presented issues on activity areas.
In particular, Narine Elizbaryan spoke about the working directions of their Division, the students’ internship and other issues. The latter highlighted the activity of Lifelong Education and Career Division, particularly in organizing the students’ internship in public administration and in leading private organizations, which is based on the subject matter of the topic studied by the student.
Vard Ghukasyan drew attention on the RA education system, as well as organizational peculiarities of higher education in ASUE. She also spoke about the transition to the Bologna system, the obstacles to its final implementation, and the steps to be taken to eliminate them.
The guest told about the organizational peculiarities of higher education in Greece, noting that there are only state HEIs in Greece and there are no private ones.
Maria visited ASUE computer halls, library, got acquainted with the examination process. Aghavni Hakobyan, the Head of Educational Division and Mariam Mnatsakanyan, the Library employee, also took part in the tour. They presented the process of passing computer examinations and the Library activity. The guest was greatly impressed by the QR Library, she also took part in the computer testing process.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division