Regulation approval, statements, and reports: regular session of ASUE Scientific Council has taken place

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Regular session of the Scientific Council took place at ASUE session hall. The first item on the agenda was about the composition of the final attestation commission, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Armen Grigoryan reported on it and pointed out that 37 final attestation commissions were formed for 2021/2022 academic year in ASUE and its two branches for the organization of these processes. ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan pointed out that they walked around the university the previous day and based on that the attestation process at the university is carried out properly, without any complaints.

Dean of the Faculty of Management Manuk Movsisyan presented the annual statement of the faculty and highlighted that it was developed in line with the goals of 2018-2022 strategic plan of ASUE. The presented statement with its problems and possible solutions was approved by the Scientific Council.

Honorary Head of the Chair of ASUE, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Aram Sargsyan presented questions on awarding the scientific title of professor to Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Chair of International Economic Relations Ararat Gomtsyan and awarding the scientific title of an associate professor to PhD in Economics, Lecturer at the chair of Finance Hrayr Muradyan that were approved by the Scientific Council in closed secret ballot.

Afterwards, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan reported on the awarding process of ASUE honorary titles, approval of new regulations of international mobility and recognition of the previous ones as void. University leader highlighted that in the document on mobility regulation, all the regulations of exchange program participation have been finalized. Regulations presented were approved.

Vice-rector Armen Grigoryan presented the new regulation on final work implementation and public defenses to be approved and the previous ones to be recognized as void as well as approval of full-time master’s degree regulation of ASUE for 2022/2023 academic year. Rector Diana Galoyan highlighted that they would like to make some changes in the format of final works and master’s thesis in ASUE and make them similar to the structure applied in Western universities.

What refers to ASUE full-time master’s degree admission regulation for 2022/2023 academic year, the rector clarified that some adjustments were made to comply with RA MESCS Minister’s decree and added that this year our university has 95 no-fee places and 570 fee-paying places. The regulation was approved.

Vice-rector for Science Tatul Mkrtchyan presented the research topic “Current challenges in the RA business environment under the conditions of shift to digital economy” suggested by the RA Ministry of High Tech Industry to Amberd Research Center, as well as questions on approval of dissertation topics and scientific supervisors.

The Scientific Council approved the publication of the course-book “History of Armenia (from ancient times till now)” by Professor of the chair of Social Sciences, PhD in History Ararat Hakobyan and monograph “Transfer Pricing” by Professor of the chair of Financial Accounting, Doctor of Economics Armen Hakobyan.