Representatives of Malta, Democritus and RISEBA universities visited ASUE

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On May 12-18, within the frames of "Erasmus+" international mobility program, lecturer of the University of Arts, Science and Technology of Malta, coordinator Francine Farrugia was hosted at ASUE. During the visit, on May 12, the guest from Malta took part in the international conference "Priorities and Challenges of Economic Development" organized at ASUE.

On May 15-19, the visit of the representatives of academic and administrative staff of RISEBA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia), the Director of the "Business Management" educational program, lecturer Alexander Skvortsovs, director of the "Startup Economics and Finance" educational program, head of RISEBA creative business incubator Rickards Sweetins and director of the "Business Psychology" educational program Valeris Dombrovskis was constructive and cooperative.

Within the same time period, the University of Economics also hosted Evangelos Drumbetas, member of the Management Board of the Democritus University of Thrace (Greece), and Dimitrios Dimitriou, director of the Department of Economics of the same university.

On May 16, Rector Diana Galoyan, Director of External Affairs Department Lusine Danielyan and employees of International Relations Division have welcomed the representatives of the partner universities at ASUE International Programs Center.

Then the activities of ASUE "Amberd" Research Center as well as research programs were introduced to the guests.