RIP Gagik Chatinyan

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We are deeply saddened to state that Gagik Chatinyan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, ASUE Lecturer-Scientist, devotee to the Chair of Commerce, has died.

His long career at the University of Economics dates back to 1975, when the University was established. And before that, in 1971-1975,  he held the position of Assistant Professor at the Chair of Commercial Economics of Yerevan State University.

In 1976-1977 he was a senior lecturer at the Chair of Business Economics, Yerevan Institute of National Economy, and since 1977 he has been an Associate Professor at the same Chair. In 2003-2014,  he headed ASUE Chair of Commerce. He lectured at the University and carried out scientific activities until 2019.

Gagik Chatinyan was not only an excellent lecturer-administrator, but also a scholar who deeply studied a number of topics related to trade and industry. He has authored more than 70 articles, methodological-research works, the book "Trade Economics", co-authored  3 educational manuals.

Under his scientific guidance, dozens of Master’s degree students took their first steps in the scientific world, 3 postgraduate students defended their dissertations.

The Head of the Chair of Commerce and Business Organization, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Mikael Mardumyan mentioned; “Gagik Chatinyan is one of the founders of our Chair, who has made a great contribution to the establishment of the Chair. He was a wonderful scientist, a beloved lecturer and partner".

We express our condolences to Gagik Chatinyan's family and relatives.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division