RIP Professor Martin Fahradyan

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We are saddened to announce that ASUE family suffered an irreversible loss. Martin Fahradyan passed away.

The Head of the Chair of Statistics Armen Ktoyan presented the words of the heart of the colleagues of his Chair about the honored Professor, noting that Professor Fahradyan is one of the prominent representatives of the bright generation of the founders of our University, who donated all his professional activity to ASUE. Indeed, spending almost half a century in the same University is an exceptional story of great devotion, work and responsibility towards people and love, a story that our beloved Professor created with his daily work and handed over to his many students, PhDs, colleagues.

Martin Fahradyan is one of the founders of the School of Statistics in our Republic, and specialists, who have acquired great achievements in various fields have the honor of being considered his students.

We express our condolences to Professor Fahradyan's family, relatives and friends.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division