ASUE Library - Participant of the 6th Annual "Reading Marathon"

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The 6th annual "Reading Marathon" held on the initiative of the US Embassy in Armenia started today, in which ASUE Library took part online.

The virtual marathon was joined by libraries from "American Corners" in Yerevan and regions. The novel "The Miracle" by American writer Raquel Palacio has been chosen for the marathon reading this year.

According to the marathon principles, each of the participants reads a fragment from the book. Taguhi Gevorgyan, 1st year student of the Faculty of Management, represented ASUE.

"This is a way to encourage reading, to unite book lovers, which is, of course, noteworthy"; ASUE Library Director Armine Hovhannisyan noted.

Let’s recall, our Library has joined the reading marathon for the second time this year.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division