ASUE guests are Romanian professors

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Professors Liviu Mikhail Marinescu and Lorinel Iftodei were hosted at our University as a result of the cooperation of ASUE and Danubius University of Galati (Romania) within the framework of the European Union "Erasmus +" program. ASUE Foreign Relations Division organized their hospitality and accompanied the guests to different divisions of the University, including ASUE Library and Amberd Research Center, to introduce the activities of these structures. Tatevik Hovhannisyan, Leading Specialist at the Foreign Relations Division introduced the students and lecturers of the Finance Department (most of them are from the Chair of Languages) to the guests and presented the aim of their visit.
First of all, Liviu Mikhail Marinescu expressed his admiration for our country; praised our university, the rhythm and the process of its development, later he noted the luxury and charm of the Armenian language, which he would like to learn, though it seemed to be too hard, then he congratulated Easter in Armenian. The speaker first presented the Danubius University of Galati, education and prospects opportunities, gave students practical and helpful advices. Then was a lecture on "Communication role and importance of English in business".
Later the speaker answered the students’ questions and some issues were discussed.
Professors of the Danubius University of Galati will stay in Armenia until the April 7.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division