Session of the Scientific Council

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On April 10, the ASUE Scientific Council convened under the leadership of Armen Grigoryan, ASUE Rector and Chairman of the Scientific Council. During the session, the first item on the agenda related to the formation of final attestation commissions. The university's leadership reported that all chairs had submitted their candidates within the prescribed timeframe, and these candidates were currently undergoing the decreeing process.

Subsequently, Rector Armen Grigoryan and Chairman of the Competition Commission Ara Mkrtchyan addressed the matter of participation in the competition for vacant positions of the Heads of Chairs. Associate Professor, PhD in Economics of the Chair of the Theory of Economics, Mushegh Hakobyan, and Associate Professor, PhD in Economics of the Chair of Business Administration, Maria Sahakyan introduced their respective development plans for the next five years.

The Scientific Council conducted a closed secret ballot to elect the candidates for the nominated positions, and subsequently approved the results of the ballot.

Tatul Mkrtchyan, Vice-Rector for Science, introduced a proposed research topic entitled "Study of the construction material market in RA (using the example of the rebar circulation sector)" by the "Amberd" Research Center as of 2024. The proposal was approved for submission to the Competition Protection Commission.

Among the agenda's issues, the publication of eight monographs resulting from research conducted on topics announced by the "Amberd" Research Center in 2023 was guaranteed. Additionally, approval was granted for the publication of the educational manual "B2B Marketing" authored by PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer Lilit Galstyan from the Chair of Marketing.