T-GREEN Project Management meeting held at ASUE

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On 11 April, the ASUE T-GREEN project management meeting was held at the Armenian State University of Economics, within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme “Transforming Graduate Education for Green and Sustainable Future” (T-GREEN) project.

During the meeting, the activities and results of the 1st Work Package (WP) "Capacity Development" and the 2nd WP "Development of National Documents for ESD" were presented.

The implementation of the 3rd WP, "Development of Institutional Regulations and Toolkit for Credit Recognition and Double Degrees", the process and problems encountered in the development of the documents within this WP were discussed and presented.

In addition, the 4th WP ("Development/Reprofiling and Piloting of Green MA Degrees) was discussed, highlighting its preparations and upcoming activities.

Administrative and financial issues related to the project were also discussed.

The T-GREEN project aims at reforming the Master's education system in universities, and "green" policies are its cornerstone. Capacity building of national and institutional administrators, decision and policy makers, educators, researchers and students to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals targeting environmental issues into policies and educational content is at the core of the project.

The Armenian participants of the project are the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of RA, the National Center for Quality Assurance, Yerevan State University, Eurasia International University, State University of Economics of Armenia, French University of Armenia, National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Armenian National Agrarian University, Goris State University, Gavar State University, "Erasmus Students' Network Yerevan" NGO and "Bridge of Hope" NGO.

The EU partners are Hellenic International University (Greece), Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), Catholic University of Portugal (Portugal) and Jagiellonian University (Poland).

“Transforming Graduate Education for Green and Sustainable Future” (T-GREEN)" (Ref. nr.: 101083014 — T-GREEN — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE) project is co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + programme, the key action 2 Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education.

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