Reminder: «STARTUP-PROJECT» International Youth Competition

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On November 12-14, 2018 Armenian State University of Economics (Nalbandyan St. 128, Yerevan, Armenia) holds an International Youth Competition of Business Ideas and Projects "StartUp-Project" within the framework of the project "HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FOR YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP" of ERASMUS + PROGRAM (

Here are the details.

The aim of the competition

The aim of the competition is the development of entrepreneurial initiative and creative thinking, enhancing business modeling skills and business planning, as well as assessment of business ideas for realism.

Who is eligible to participate in the competition?

Teams from 1 to 5 people are invited to participate in the competition. The participants of the teams can be young entrepreneurs, students, undergraduates, graduate students from 15 to 35 yearsof age who have an innovative business idea and have a desire to implement it.

General rules of the competition

The competition is held in two stages:
I stage: submission of application and materials before November 1, 2018, preliminary selection of participants of the competition November 1 - November 5, 2018.
ІІ stage: protection of business ideas and projects November 10-12, 2018.
Working languages of the competition are Russian, English.
Both in person and distant participation in the competition are possible.
Participation in the competition is free of charge. Travel expenses are covered by the participant.

Registration and submission of materials

All the participants of the competition must be registered before November 1, 2018, completing the registration form (Appendix 1) and sending it to the e-mail address
To participate in the competition, business proposal description (Appendix 2) and project presentation (maximum 10 slides) must be submitted via e-mail before November 1, 2018.

Mandatory reporting

Each team presents the project and presentation in a hard copy to the jury members. Distant participants should also submit their business project and presentation in an electronic format to the address:

Rules of presentation

Overall presentation of each team (introduction of the team, preparation of equipment and distribution of reports, presentation, answers to questions of jury, dismantling of equipment) - 15 minutes.

The international jury of the competition “StartUp-project"

The international jury consists of representatives of business circles and business education from the Eastern Partnership countries and the European Union. The organizers and the jury of the competition are obliged to preserve the copyright of the project participants.

The main criteria for evaluating business ideas

  • The business idea developed by the team in its StartUp project demonstrates innovation, ability to satisfy the needs of the client, has the potential of commercialization and is realistic;
  • The presented StartUp-project is holistic, the proposed conclusions are justified; the performed financial calculations are correct.

What does jury assess?

While assessing teams, the jury evaluates 4 components:
1. Presentation of the team.
2. Innovation and originality of business ideas, commercial feasibility.
3. Written report.
4. Responses of the team to the questions of the jury.

According to the results of the Competition, the laureates of the first, second and third places are determined. The winners are recognized as participants, who more creatively and skillfully approached the task. Winners and participants of the competition are awarded with certificates and gifts.
Contact person: Arpine Jraghatspanyan
tel: +37410593484

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division