Development of Knowledge/Technology Transfer Strategies and Summary Report on the Current Status of SMES-RI/Academia Cooperation in Armenia and Georgia

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In the frames of "Transferring V4 expertise in knowledge/technology transfer" project CANDLE SRI and TSU developed Knowledge/Technology Transfer Strategies with detailed description of why, how and by what means they see the commercialization of their research/technology. The activity was performed by the staff of the targeted institutions who participated in the Knowledge/Technology transfer workshop and study visits. The developed strategies will enable CANDLE and TSU to institutionalize the research/technology commercialization process and assign organizational/infrastructural basis for it. In addition, SMEs interested in cooperation with given institutions will be introduced a full package of industrial offer at CANDLE, TSU and will have an opportunity to work/contact with qualified staff/units in charge of knowledge/technology transfer activities at given institutions.

Moreover, Summary Report on the Current Status of SMES-RI/Academia Cooperation in Armenia and Georgia was developed by Technical University of Košice Experts Katarína Draganová-Head of the Department of Aviation Technical Studies, Pavol Lipovský-Associate Professor and Peter Čižmár-Head of the Department of Intellectual Property Protection. The report outlines the current situation (problems and prospective with SMEs-RI/Academia cooperation in Armenia and Georgia). It will serve as a good informative tool mainly for different public agencies in charge of polices regarding SMEs and scientific/research institutions. The report may be also used by different national and international organizations while planning their interventions on the topic for targeted countries.