Students Interested in the EU "Erasmus +" Program Take an English Exam

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On September 22-23, ASUE International Relations Division organized an English exam at the University for those students who are interested in "Erasmus +" program, do not have a document certifying English proficiency (IELTS, TOEFL or Cambridge Assessment English).

According to the International Relations Division, the exam participants will get the exam results in their personal e-mail within 1-2 days, and the students can get acquainted with the new announcements and news of "Erasmus +" program by following ASUE official website, Facebook page, Facebook official page of the International Relations Division.

Let’s recall, students can take the English exam only once this year, so those who will pass this time will not be able to take part in other exams organized by ASUE International Relations Division in the current academic year. In case of any questions, you can contact International Relations Division via e-mails.

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