From ASUE student to ASUE employee: Susanna Mkhitaryan

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Our hero is Susanna Mkhitaryan, graduate of the Faculty of Economic Regulation and International Economic Relations, employee of the Quality Assurance Division.

- What did you gain from your university education?

- I am grateful to my university education, as my professional and personal qualities were shaped and polished here, especially, the ability to make decisions and take responsibility, and single-mindedness.

- What is your daily motivation to work?

- I would like to contribute to the formation of an educational setting where I myself would like to study via continuous improvement.

- What is your advice to freshmen?

- My advice it to read a lot and try to highlight priorities that are important to achieve at this time. Do not be afraid of failures as any failure in life opens opportunities for a new beginning. Improve and develop yourself and design the future where you will feel harmonious and motivated.