Acknowledgment and Appreciation certificates to honored lecturers

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Doctor of Economics, Professor Grigor Kirakosyan, Associate Professors, PhD in Economics Ishkhan Khlghatyan and Levon Khcheyan passed to well-deserved retirement. On this occasion an honoring event was held today in the Chair of Theory of Economics.
Head of the Chair, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Firuza Mayilyan welcomed the participants and noted that everyone had a word of gratitude addressed to honorable lecturers Grigor Kirakosyan, Ishkhan Khlghatyan and Levon Khcheyan, who were in the roots of the development of University and the chair of Theory of Economics.
The Head of the Chair honored the scientists who were faithfully devoted to their work with enticing excitement for all these years and wished them happiness and health. The young and senior lecturers of the chair honored the scientists. The majority of them were honored professors' students and had been educated under their patronage. The staff of the chair talked about all the best memories. Ishkhan Khlghatyan, in his turn, expressed his gratitude to his colleagues for appreciation and advised them to be willing and compassionate. The honorable lecturers were awarded appreciation letters. Ishkhan Khlghatyan's appreciation letter was handed at the session. Grigor Kirakosyan and Levon Khcheyan will be handed their appreciation letters over tonight.

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