Representatives of CB presented reports of Central Bank of Armenia on Inflation and Financial Stability

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Armenak Darbinyan, board member of Central Bank of Armenia, Vahagn Grigoryan, , head of the Monetary Policy Department of Central Bank of Armenia, Hayk Avetisyan from the Department of Foreign Policy Analysis and Forecasting, Karine Hambaryan, head of the Financial Stability Monitoring and Crisis Management Department, Qnarik Burnusuzyan, financial analyst and Gayane Khachatryan, head of the HRM Department were hosted at ASUE and had a meeting with ASUE academic staff and students in the Big Hall. Vice-Rector of Science and International Relations Gagik Vardanyan welcomed the guests and noted that the meeting was aimed to present the Reports of Central Bank of Armenia on Inflation and Financial Stability. According to the vice-rector, an effective cooperation has been established between the two organizations, and meetings of this format are continuous. Board member of Central Bank of Armenia Armenak Darbinyan noted that the Central Bank paid great importance to communication with the public. They constantly present the documents reflecting it’s policies. He also noted the importance of the discussions with the professional audience. Then Hayk Avetisyan introduced the Central Bank's Monetary Policy and Inflation Report (3rd Quarter) and Karine Hambaryan and Qnarik Burnusuzyan presented Financial Sustainability Report for the First Half of 2018. Later was question and answer part of the meeting. CB representatives noted, that the presented reports were available on the official website.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division