The Ten-day-international Seminars Launched at ASUE Attended by 106 Young People From 12 Countries (photos)

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ASUE cooperation with German "Copernicus Berlin" Association is in an effective and ongoing course. The activities within the framework of the signed memorandum are various. Yesterday, on May 30, the next project started, within the framework of which 106 young people from 12 countries (Armenia, Russia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, etc.) including ASUE students, graduates will participate in international seminars to be held from May 31 to June 11 aimed at developing the entrepreneurial skills of young people, sharing knowledge and experience.

Yesterday, the participants, among whom are also young officials, entrepreneurs got acquainted with each other and our University, walking around the University buildings, learning more about ASUE and Armenia through the "Quest" interactive game.

Today, the solemn opening ceremony launched at ASUE hall, attended by RA Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Arthur Martirosyan, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, Executive Director of "Copernicus Berlin" Association Davit Budaghyan, trainers of the Association Alexander Posts and Francesco Roberto.

In his opening speech, Arthur Martirosyan greeted those present on behalf of the Ministry, thanked the authors of the initiative. "The main goal of this event is to share ideas and culture"; the Deputy Minister emphasized. "We are aware of the great work done by the organization. In parallel with capacity building, the series of seminars is a good platform for discussing issues of mutual interest. It is gratifying that the agenda of the seminars includes many interesting topics, such as promoting youth employment, developing new skills and abilities for young workers, as well as providing relevant platforms where young people can share their business experience, develop a business plan concept, etc."; the Deputy Minister noted.

Rector Diana Galoyan mentioned in her welcoming speech that ASUE greatly highlights the international cooperation and expands it on its way of development, especially increasing the involvement of students in different programs.

“The cooperation with “Copernicus Berlin” is one the most effective ones, and making use of its exchange, scholarship and other programs ASUE students and graduates develop their knowledge and skills”; the Rector stated and applying to the young people noted that each of you is an individual, who are ready to study, to learn, to develop and wished productive discussion and good luck. Diana Galoyan urged the foreign students to keep active contact with the staff of ASUE International Relations Division on these days, who will assist in a number of other organizational issues.

Davit Budaghyan, Alexander Posts and Francesco Roberto welcomed the participants and wished them effective, full of discussions and motivating communication.

The Deputy Minister and ASUE Rector answered the questions of the young people, which referred to the implementation of international programs in Armenia, ASUE, the involvement of students in the management processes of the country and the University.

The official part was followed by seminars on 3 topics: “Women in Business”, “Strengthening the Entrepreneurship for Young People”, “Think Over Before Publishing”. The speakers are representatives of local and international companies, authors of successful startups and young entrepreneurs.

While being interviewed Davit Budaghyan told that this international event is called to share entrepreneurial knowledge to young people, to inspire them, to establish communication and connections between young people from different countries. "It is important that the young people, who have started their business from scratch, present their successful experience here, inspire others and call on them to be brave. In our opinion, women especially need support in business, that's why we gave them one of the topics of the seminars"; the Executive Director of the “Copernicus Berlin” Association noted.

We also spoke with Pavlin Grancher, Deputy Mayor of Sevlievo, Bulgaria, who participated in the seminar and is impressed with Armenia and it’s already second time he participates in "Copernicus Berlin" international programs.

“In my opinion, education unites young people from different countries, people with different mentalities and ideas can inspire and teach each other, regardless of gender, skin color, religion, other national characteristics. This project is exactly that platform, where, of course, we all have something to say to each other"; the Deputy Mayor said.

In such a warm and kind atmosphere ASUE started the next international program. Good luck!

Within the framework of the program, cognitive-cultural tours to the sights of Armenia are also planned.

The event is implemented by the efforts of ASUE International Relations Division.

You can get acquainted with one of our last coverage within the frames of ASUE cooperation with the Association.

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