The Annual Vacation of ASUE Staff Starts

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Since today ASUE structural subdivisions, including the Media and Public Relations Division, go on annual vacation.

We summed up this academic year, which was unprecedented, full of surprises and challenges. ASUE staff was able to overcome them with honor, to properly organize the process of online education. During the state of emergency, the 45th anniversary of our beloved ASUE was not left in the shadows. We marked it with online publications, we will still celebrate it with various initiatives.

During the holidays, as every year, ASUE Media and Public Relations Division will touch upon the most important educational events and, if necessary, cover them. Follow only ASUE official news sources on the online platform.

The state of emergency continues. The epidemic on the one hand, the border tension on the other,   vigilance and unity of all of us are required. The Armenian people have always shown unity in difficult times, thanks to which they have been able to overcome difficulties. We are confident that we will overcome this together.

We express our support to the Armenian soldiers, glory and honor to the Armenian army that keeps our border strong.

May the good accompany everyone.

See you soon!

P.S. We  have  already  posted  the announcement  previously provided by the Human Resources Management Division.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division