The First Alumni of ASUE and Swiss UMEF University Joint Master’s Degree Program

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Qualification: Master’s degree of Management, specialization: Business Administration (MBA). Double diplomas of UMEF University and ASUE will enable professionals to work not only in Armenia, but also in Europe and America: the program managers assure. The Master’s degree program launched in 2017 already has the first graduates. On June 14, the Master’s group of 21 students presented thesis in English. Hasmik Manukyan, Head of Pan-Armenian Programs Department of the Ministry of Diaspora, was the Chair of the final certification committee, members are - Walter Mareovich, Head of Students Affairs of Swiss UMEF University, Diana Galoyan, Vice Rector for ASUE Academic Affairs, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of Division of Organization of Scientific-research Affairs, manager of the mentioned Master’s degree program.

“Thesis defense started early in the morning and continued until the end of the working day, the students presented professional analyzes, valuable conclusions and practical recommendations. I would like to note that the representative of the Swiss University Walter Mareovich noted that the theses were more comprehensive than required and advised to present research in a more narrow professional analysis format. Generally, the outcome is satisfactory"; Khoren Mkhitaryan stated.

By the way, some of the Master’s degree students have studied in Geneva for 1 semester, and those who wish will go to Switzerland to get graduate diplomas.

New admission of the joint Master’s degree program is announced and more information is available at the active link.

Congratulations to the graduates and wish them great achievements in the professional arena.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division