The First "Jean Monnet Network" International Project is at ASUE

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EUCON project (EU and EAEU: Between Conflict and Competition, Convergence and Cooperation) is among the winning projects of the EU “Erasmus +” “Jean Monnet Network” Operation 2020, where Armenia is represented by the Armenian State University of Economics. ASUE International Relations Division has submitted the information. The project is coordinated by the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna (UAS-BFI).

The aim of EUCON is to explore the full range of EU-EAEU relations, which is characterized by conflict and competition, convergence and cooperation (possible). The project aims to find out the status quo of relations, what are the areas of conflict, its main causes, consequences, what is the role of competition between the EU and the EAEU, what is the role of China's rise, where are the areas of convergence, what are the existing areas of cooperation and preconditions for further expansion of cooperation.

Seminars, international summer schools, joint research, seminars using innovative didactic methods, creation of an interactive learning website, round table discussions, joint public events presenting the project outcomes to a wider audience outside the scientific field will be held in order to achieve the goals of the project.

Note, EUCON is the first “Jean Monnet Network” project at ASUE. Albert Hayrapetyan and Susanna Aghajanyan, PhDs in Economics, Assistant Professors at ASUE Chair of International Economic Relations, are involved in the project.

The project will be implemented at ASUE by the Chair of International Economic Relations and International Relations Division.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division