Success Story: An Impressive Master Class by the Director of MBG Hospitality at ASUE

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Today, ASUE students interested in marketing, restaurant business, public relations and branding, attended the master class on “Restaurant Business: Branding, PR and Management” held by Karen Margaryan, Executive Director of MBG Hospitality, ASUE alumni. Founded in 2013, MBG Hospitality has made a breakthrough in food industry in Armenia, thus creating a new taste and level for restaurants and cafes. Well-known and highly demanded restaurant brands Louis Charden, Hans&Franz, Alaska by Hans&Franz, Chinar, Tsirani Garden, Tsirani Home and Vostan make MBG Hospitality best quality and delicious food serving company in Armenia.

Diana Galoyan, acting Rector, representatives of the Chairs of Marketing, Commerce and Business Organization, members of academic staff, students, collaborators, guests, YSU students, as well as representatives of HORECA company attended the meeting.

Based on his long-term experience, Karen Margaryan spoke about the peculiarities of restaurant business, the essence of business, creation and positioning strategies of restaurant brand, peculiarities of integrating into modern business models in highly competitive environment.

After Karen Margaryan's speech a question and answer session was held. The audience was interested in the topic and asked many interesting questions, and in the end Karen Margaryan and Diana Galoyan selected the authors of the three best questions, for whom the company prepared surprise.

Diana Galoyan summed up the meeting, expressed gratitude to Karen Margaryan for a speech full of instructive and interesting points and expressed hope that the cooperation would be continued, in particular ASUE students would have the opportunity to practice in the company.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division