EU "Erasmus +" Info Day Took Place

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Multilateral international cooperation, which includes academic mobility, skills, capacities, experience exchange and intercultural communication, is an effective way to improve the quality of education and it is especially highlighted in the concept of internationalization of the University of Economics.

Although international program information events gave way to online notifications during the epidemic, but the process never stopped, it has been restarted with a full agenda at the beginning of the new academic year.

Yesterday, on September 15, the European Union "Erasmus +" info day took place, under the motto "Create Your Career and Education with Us". A large number of students took part, and Lusine Danielyan, Director of External Relations Department, welcomed them.

"You are welcome! If you are here, it means that you are seriously interested in international exchange programs, in particular, participation in "Erasmus +". I assure you, it will be a turning point in your life. I want you to take this opportunity to study for one semester at the best European Universities, but you know, a lot depends on your activity and purposefulness"; Lusine Danielyan stated.

Sona Aghababyan, a leading specialist in ASUE International Relations Division, gave a comprehensive overview of the "Erasmus +" program, presenting the opportunities provided to students, scholarship requirements, partner universities, process stages, then stopped at the English exam stage (see details - here), she touched upon the key issues of the interview, the subject recognition and mobility process, wishing success to all potential applicants for joining the ranks of current and future Erasmus members.

Master’s degree students Arpi Nikoyan and Khoren Ispiryan shared their experience within the frames of “Erasmus +” program, told instructive episodes, gave valuable advice, and ASUE graduate, co-founder of Erasmus Student Network (ESN) in Yerevan Hermine Fanyan presented the structure history, functions, support programs.

Students also had the opportunity to learn about the programs of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Copernicus Berlin Association. DAAD was represented by Service Advisor Daniel Lepetit, who, by the way, informed that a more comprehensive info day by DAAD is scheduled for September 24, at 13:20. Executive Director David Budaghyan spoke about the programs of the German Copernicus Berlin Association.

Let’s add, the info days are continuous, additional notification will be given regarding further meetings. In case of any questions, you can contact the International Relations Division via, and the updated announcements can be found under the heading "International Programs" of ASUE official website.

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division