The "Lecturer Cup-2022" Inter-university Sports Games Are Summed Up

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Today, ASUE hosted a festive sports mood: the organizers of the "Lecturer Cup-2022" games - Diana Galoyan, Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics, Hovhannes Gabrielyan, President of Armenian Student Sports Federation (ARMSSF), Head of the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense at ASUE, awarded the winners of the 7 sports included in the program: rapid chess, shooting, badminton, table tennis, powerlifting, tug-of-war and volleyball.

The "Lecturer Cup" competitions, conducted from January 25 to February 4, were notable not only for the number of participating teams, but also for their unprecedented activity. If in the past the chairs of physical education of the Universities were mainly attended, then the picture changes from year to year: now lecturers of other chairs of the Universities are also involved in sports tournaments. More than 250 lecturers and employees of 13 Universities of the republic participated this year.

Welcoming the participants, Diana Galoyan emphasized the need to organize such events, the activity of the participants, the unity and sports spirit.

"I am glad that the University of Economics, in addition to its main activity - conducting scientific and educational research, is actively involved in the organization of sports events, for which I would like to express special gratitude to Hovhannes Gabrielyan, Head of the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense, who always highlights the healthy lifestyle and sports"; ASUE Rector stated.

Congratulating all the winners, Diana Galoyan handed awards to the participants who took the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the team and individual matches of the tournaments.

See the awardees at the Armenian version.

Congratulating all the participants and winners of the "Lecturer Cup-2022", Hovhannes Gabrielyan expressed hope that the ongoing sports event, conducted about 10 years, would further expand its borders, involving many sports fans in healthy lifestyle and healthy competition championships.