ASUE Student Zhora Stepanyan - Winner of the "Best Student" Republican Competition

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Today, on February 4, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports hosted the solemn ceremony of awarding the "Best Student" republican competition, and Zhora Stepanyan, the 2nd year student of "Securities Market Analysis and Management" of ASUE Faculty of Finance, collaborator at Lifelong Learning Division, won the 3rd prize in the field of social sciences.

The ceremony was attended by ESCS Minister Vahram Dumanyan, Deputy Minister Karen Trchunyan, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, Rectors and students of other Universities.

Karen Trchunyan, Deputy Minister, Chairman of the Competition Commission, stated that 34 students became winners in the competition, 16 of whom had a Bachelor's degree and 18 of them had a Master's degree. According to him, the first place was taken by 13 students, who will be awarded 445,000 AMD, the second place - 11 students, who will be awarded 345,000 AMD, and 10 students took the 3rd place and will be awarded 220,000 AMD.

Congratulating the best students of the Republic, Minister Vahram Dumanyan noted that being the winner of the "Best Student" competition is a cause for pride, but at the same time it is an important precondition to re-evaluate what has been achieved and for ongoing success. According to him, the competition aimed to identify and encourage the students of the Universities, who have shown high progress and have become more active in the relevant professional fields.

"It is obligatory for me to present my favorite University. This competition was also a challenge for me, as in 2019 I became “ASUE best student for social activity", and this was a step towards the top of my dreams"; Zhora Stepanyan told and noted that he was awarded nominal scholarship of 220 thousand AMD and a prize.

It should be noted that the competition was held according to the educational degrees: Bachelor’s and Master’s, and 7 fields: natural sciences, social sciences, Armenology, humanitarian, medicine, engineering, culture and sports.

Details of the solemn ceremony, is available on the official website of the ESCS Ministry via the active link.