New Academic Year has Started at ASUE

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Today, new academic year has started at Armenian State University of Economics. ASUE Leadership, Faculty members, collaborators welcomed students, their parents at ASUE yard. Members of SC welcomed and accompanied the 1st year students to their Faculties.

ASUE acting Rector Diana Galoyan took a tour at the University, congratulated the freshmen on the start of the new academic year. “Welcome to the University of Economics, I congratulate you and would like to assure that our main mission, that’s, to provide high quality education, cannot be obstructed by the events taken place. The University of Economics will use its full potential to provide quality education. The process of involving qualified professionals has started and the best specialists of both theoretical and practical sectors will hold lectures. The start of SSS was given, aimed at discovering and developing your research skills and abilities”; Diana Galoyan stated.

Academic process is in a normal course at Armenian State University of Economics.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division